Noise has launched a new pair of true wireless stereo (TWS) earphones in India called the Buds VS106. They come with quad mic and environmental noise cancellation (ENC) support. Priced under Rs. 1,500, the new affordable TWS earphones support Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity and Instacharge technology for fast charging. They are claimed to offer up to 200 minutes of playtime with just 10 minutes of charging. The earphones are compatible with both Android and iOS devices and come equipped with a 10mm driver.
Noise Buds VS106 price, availability
Noise Buds VS106 earphones have been launched at a special price of Rs. 1,299 in India. They are currently listed on the GoNoise online store. The true wireless earphones come in three different colour options, namely Cloud White, Jet Black, and Sky Blue.
Noise Buds VS106 specifications, features
The Noise Buds VS106 earphones sport a stem design and are equipped with a 10mm driver. The newly launched TWS earphones support Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity with Hyper Sync technology to offer easy pairing. For gaming, the earphones have a specially dedicated gaming mode that offers ultra-low latency of up to 40ms.
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