Itel Roar 75 was launched in India on Wednesday. It is the company’s first open-ear headset. It has a lightweight design where the titanium metal skeleton claims to maintain stability during movements like exercise and ensure durability. The headphones pack a 75mAh battery with USB Type-C charging support which claims to offer up to 13 hours of music playback time on a single charge. It is equipped with a 14.2mm bass boost driver and Environmental Noice Cancellation support for clear audio calls.
Itel Roar 75 price, availability
Offered in a single blue colour option, the Itel Roar 75 open-ear headphones are priced in India at Rs. 1,099. While the company states that the headphones are now available, it is not yet listed for purchase on the official website or via major e-commerce platforms.
Itel Roar 75 specifications, features
The newly launched wireless headset claims to offer users a surround-sound experience with Environmental Noice Cancellation (ENC) support. The ENC technology helps suppress unnecessary background noise and helps provide a clearer audio calling experience over non-ENC headsets.
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