OnePlus Buds 3 TWS earphones are confirmed to launch in China soon alongside the OnePlus Ace 3 smartphone. Ahead of the launch, OnePlus has teased the design of the upcoming true wireless earphones. The company has also unveiled the colour options of the earphones. The price of the earphones has not yet been announced but they are currently available for reservations in China. These earphones are expected to succeed the OnePlus Buds Pro 2, which was introduced earlier this year in January.
In a Weibo post, OnePlus confirmed that the OnePlus Buds 3 will debut in China on January 4 at 2:30pm local time (12pm IST) alongside the OnePlus Ace 3. The company confirmed that the earphones will be offered in two colour options – Clear Sea Blue and Space Grey (translated from Chinese). They are also listed on the company’s website and open for reservations in the country. The price of the earphones has not been revealed.
The OnePlus Buds 3 earphones share their design language with the older flagship OnePlus Buds Pro 2, sporting a semi-in-ear design with a glossy stem and matte, silicone ear tips. However, the new earphones are monotonous unlike the dual-tone seen in the preceding models. The storage and charging case of the upcoming OnePlus Buds 3 appear to have a squarish shape, similar to the older model.
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