OnePlus Buds 3 TWS earphones are confirmed to launch in China on January 4, alongside the OnePlus Ace 3 smartphone. The company has already revealed the design and colour options of the upcoming true wireless earphones. Even though they dropped the ‘Pro’ moniker this year, they are expected to succeed the OnePlus Buds Pro 2, which were unveiled in January 2023. Ahead of the launch, a new report online has suggested the price point of the OnePlus Buds 3 and has listed a few key specifications of the earphones.
A report by Allround-PC claims that the OnePlus Buds 3 are likely to be priced at EUR 99 (roughly Rs. 9,000). The company has already confirmed that the earphones will be offered in Clear Sea Blue and Space Grey (translated from Chinese) colour options.
The OnePlus Buds 3 are expected to be equipped with a 10.4mm driver and a 6mm tweeter, according to the report. The earphones are said to offer 48dB Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) support and offer Google Fast Pair and dual connectivity. These true wireless earphones may also arrive with an IP55 rating for dust and splash resistance, which should make them suitable for wear during sporting activities and in the rain.
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