Sony announced a new pair of no-pressure wireless sports headphones, the Float Run WI-OE610, in India on Thursday. The wireless headphones, marketed specifically for runners and athletes, features a distinct design that positions the speaker near the ear, without touching the ear canal. Sony claims that this design keeps the ears pressure-free and prevents sweat or chafing while working out. Float Run wireless earphones feature a light-weight design and flexible neckband for comfortable use. The earphones come with 16mm drivers, an IPX4 rating for splashes, and claim to offer up to 10 hours of battery life.
Sony Float Run WI-OE610 wireless headphones price in India, availability
The Sony Float Run headphones are priced at Rs. 10,990 in India and will be available across Sony retail stores (Sony Center and Sony Exclusive), the ShopatSC online store, major electronics retailers, and other e-commerce websites in the country starting January 4. The sports headphones come in a single Black colourway, which features white coloured speakers.
Sony Float Run WI-OE610 wireless headphones specifications, features
Sony’s Float Run wireless headphones feature an off-ear design, hanging just over the ear for comfortable use by runners and athletes during workouts. It features a slip-resistance flexible neckband, designed to stay in place during intense activity. The headphones feature 16mm drivers and claim to provide a spatial and natural listening experience because of the off-ear design.
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