Apple’s first mixed reality headset, the Vision Pro, will become available in the US starting February, the company announced on Tuesday. Pre-orders for the headset will open on January 19. The headset will be available at all US Apple Store locations as well as through the company’s web store. The Apple Vision Pro was announced in June last year at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2023. The headset supports both augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies and runs on the visionOS operating system.
The Apple Vision Pro will officially launch in the US on February 2, the company announced via a post on its newsroom site. It will be available for purchase through all US Apple Store locations and the US Apple Store online. Users will be able to sign up to try the headset out for themselves at the company’s retail stores. The preorders for the device will open on January 19 at 5:00am PST (6.30pm IST).
The price of Apple Vision Pro starts at $3,499 (roughly Rs. 2,90,000) with 256GB storage. The device ships with a Solo Knit Band and Dual Loop Band. The package also includes a Light Seal and two Light Seal Cushions, as well as a polishing cloth, a battery, a USB Type-C cable, and a USB Type-C adapter. Further, there will be an Apple Vision Pro cover for the front of the device.
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