Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Some leaves have started changing, but are peak fall colors coming soon?

As the summer season comes to an end, we can feel the crispness in the air and see the signs of fall all around us. The leaves are starting to change color, the temperatures are dropping, and pumpkin spice lattes are back on the menu. Fall is a beautiful time of year, and the signs of its arrival are all around us.

One of the most iconic signs of fall is the changing of the leaves. While peak foliage is not here just yet, you may have noticed that the trees in your yard are starting to show hints of red, orange, and yellow. According to Christy Rollinson, a forest ecologist at The Morton Arboretum, this is due to the cooler temperatures and shorter days. However, don’t expect to see the same vibrant colors in forest preserves and natural areas just yet, as they may take a few more weeks to start changing.

If you’re eagerly awaiting the peak autumn colors, you may have to exercise a bit of patience. In the Chicago area, peak fall colors usually occur in mid- to late-October. The Farmer’s Almanac predicts that northern Illinois will experience peak colors between October 5th and 21st. While there is some uncertainty, one thing is for sure – the wait will be worth it.

The process of trees changing color is a gradual one, and it starts as the days continue to get colder and nighttime temperatures drop into the low 40s, 30s, or even lower. Rollinson explains that while an early peak fall season is not expected, things can change quickly as we progress into September and October. The day-to-day weather conditions play a significant role in the process of trees changing color and preparing for winter.

The past month and much of the growing season have been moderate for trees, with the exception of the extreme heat at the end of August. However, according to Rollinson, this may not have a significant impact on the changing of colors. The Morton Arboretum and its research partners have found that trees respond more to extreme weather conditions over a longer period of time, rather than short-lived heat waves or dry spells. Trees are resilient and can withstand these challenges, playing the long-game to survive.

For those wondering what causes trees to change color, the answer lies in the leaves’ chlorophyll. Trees with leaves that change colors are green most of the year due to the chlorophyll they use to absorb energy from sunlight during photosynthesis. As the temperatures drop and the days get shorter, trees receive less direct sunlight, causing the chlorophyll to break down. This process is what reveals the beautiful array of colors we see in the fall.

The intensity and duration of the fall colors vary depending on location, with the best colors appearing in areas that have dry, sunny, and cool weather. Places that are cloudy, damp, or warm may not see the same vibrant colors. So, if you want to experience the full beauty of fall, make sure to visit areas with favorable weather conditions.

In conclusion, the signs of fall are all around us, and we can’t help but feel excited for the upcoming season. While the peak colors may not arrive for a few more weeks, the wait will be worth it. So, grab your pumpkin spice latte, take a walk in nature, and enjoy the changing of the leaves. Let’s embrace the beauty of fall and all that it has to offer.

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