Redmi Watch 4 and Redmi Buds 5 Pro were launched in China on Wednesday alongside the Redmi K70 series. The smartwatch comes with Always-On Display support and runs on HyperOS. It offers access to more than 150 sports modes. The Buds 5 Pro, on the other hand, have 10mm ceramic-coated tweeters and 11mm titanium-plated woofers. They offer active noise cancellation of up to 52dB. Both wearables from Redmi are currently live for purchase and will start shipping in China next week.
Redmi Watch 4, Redmi Buds 5 Pro price, availability
The Redmi Watch 4 is offered in Elegant Black and Silver Snow White (translated from Chinese) colourways. It also comes with different strap options including metallic, leather, or nylon strap in a range of colours.
Meanwhile, the Redmi Buds 5 Pro are offered in three colour options – Clear Snow White, Ice Porcelain Blue, and Obsidian Black (translated from Chinese). The black variant is also available in an e-sports version that is seen with an orange colour tone on the inside of the case and the earbud caps.
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