OnePlus Buds 3 was launched in China on Thursday, January 4, alongside the OnePlus Ace 3. These true wireless earphones come with a 10.4mm driver and support for LHDC 5.0 audio. They also support touch controls and offer three levels of active noise cancellation and a transparency mode. The earphones allow users to enjoy a 3D surround-space sound experience. The monotonous in-ear wearables are offered in two colour options. They are now open for pre-order and will be available for purchase starting January 8.
OnePlus Buds 3 price, availability
Offered in Clear Sea Blue and Space Grey colour options, the OnePlus Buds 3 are priced at CNY 499 (roughly Rs. 5,800) in China. The earphones are currently open for pre-orders in China at a pre-sale price of CNY 449 (roughly Rs. 5,200). It will be available for purchase starting January 8 via the Oppo China website.
OnePlus Buds 3 specifications, features
The OnePlus Buds 3 are equipped with a 10.4mm driver and three mics. They come with support for AAC and SBC Bluetooth codecs. The earphones also support LHDC 5.0 Hi-Res audio output and come with Dynamic Bass technology. These true wireless earphones allow users to enjoy a 3D surround-space sound experience, custom game sound effects and 94ms low latency.
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