Sunday, March 9, 2025

Is there a mask mandate in Illinois? Latest from hospitals, health officials

As respiratory virus levels continue to rise following the holidays, officials are warning people to take precautions, including masking up as needed, but is there a mask mandate in place?

While no requirements have been issued statewide, some hospitals have reinstated masking guidance while both Chicago and state officials are urging renewed vigilance.

As of Friday, the Illinois Department of Public Health said more than half of the state’s counties were at an elevated level for COVID hospitalizations and flu activity was “surging to match the pre-COVID-19 2019-2020 season.”

“The winter holiday season typically results in an increase in seasonal respiratory viruses, and we are seeing that again this year, with certain areas of Illinois feeling increased hospital strain,” said IDPH Director Dr. Sameer Vohra.  “I encourage all Illinoisians – and especially those most vulnerable to serious illness – to stay informed about respiratory illnesses in their area and use all the tools available to keep themselves and their loved ones safe.  These tools include washing your hands, covering your coughs and sneezes, improving indoor air ventilation, and wearing a mask in crowded areas.”

The Chicago Department of Public Health had a similar message.

According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Cook County is part of an area currently at a “medium” level of COVID hospitalizations, leading officials to ask residents to take steps to protect themselves from the virus.

According to CDPH, residents are urged to:

-Stay up-to-date with their COVID vaccinations.

-Maintain improvements in ventilation in indoor spaces.

-Avoid contact with those who have COVID, or who suspect they have the virus.

-Follow guidance for COVID exposure, or if they’ve been diagnosed with the virus.

-Wear masks in indoor public spaces if they are at a high-risk of adverse health outcomes

Mask mandates are back at several Illinois hospitals as well.

Rush Medical Center, Advocate Health Care and North Shore and more have recently implemented partial or complete mask mandates following guidance from IDPH.

“With the alarming rise in respiratory viruses we are seeing across the state and the country, IDPH is recommending healthcare facilities take precautions to reduce the spread of these viruses and protect their patients, staffs and visitors,” IDPH Director Dr. Sameer Vohra said in the news release in December. “We are most concerned with healthcare facilities in counties with elevated respiratory virus transmission and hospitalization levels and recommend masking in patient care areas, especially in emergency departments and areas caring for patients who are immunocompromised.”

Outside of hospitals, Rush Medical Center EMS Medical Director Dr. Nicholas Cozzi told NBC Chicago it would be wise for people to consider wearing a mask in highly-congregated, indoor areas.

“I will say what we are seeing it is prudent if you’re in a highly congregated area to consider wearing a mask. “You don’t have to have something fancy,” Cozzi said. “A regular old hospital mask will suffice.”

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