iQoo TWS 1e were launched in China alongside the iQoo Neo 9 series on Wednesday, December 27. The company also introduced the iQoo Watch, which is said to be a rebranded model of the Vivo Watch 3. The iQoo TWS 1e are said to be a rebadged version of the Vivo TWS 3e, which was unveiled earlier this month. These in-ear true wireless earphones support active noise cancellation (ANC) and come with AI-backed noise reduction to allow clearer calling experiences. They are available for purchase in China.
iQoo TWS 1e price, availability
The iQoo TWS 1e earphones are offered in Mecha White and Star Pearl Yellow (translated from Chinese) colourways. They are available for purchase in China via the Vivo website at CNY 159 (roughly Rs. 1,900), the same as the Vivo TWS 3e, although the latter comes in Dark Blue and Haobia (White) (translated) colour options.
iQoo TWS 1e specifications, features
The newly launched iQoo TWS 1e come with 11mm dynamic drivers and offer sound effects like DeepX 3.0 stereo, 3D panoramic audio, and Monster Sound to enhance the user’s gaming experience. The earphones also support low latency of up to 55ms.
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